Import of households effects into Mexico
Foreigners wishing to import their household effects into Mexico must bring at the Consular Section at opening hours the following documents:
1. Valid passport (original and copy).
2. Original migratory document: Temporary Residence visa or Permanent Residence visa. Holders of Temporary or Permanent Residence visa are entitled to import temporarily household effects for the period of time that lasts her/his visa.
3. Four copies of the list of items to be imported, as per the following guidelines:
· The list must be in Spanish. (Lists provided by freight companies are not accepted)
· It must state the applicant’s addresses, both in Mexico and the Romania, and that she or he is obliged to return the households effects once that he or she leaves Mexico. The letter must also state that in case of change of address, the applicant must inform it to the customs authorities.
· Each copy must bear the applicant's original signature (photocopied signatures NOT accepted).
· Payment the consular fee -179 dollars USA (the payment must be in USD dollars, in cash and the exact amount, payable to Mexican Consulate). A receipt will be issued accordingly.
Example of household effects list:
Lista de menaje de casa de (Full name):
Procedure: The person interested must apply for an appointment through Mi Consulado.
The Consular Section of the Embassy is opened from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 13:00 hours.