Guidelines and Stages of 

"I Present. Stories of the Mexican Diaspora living in the UK. An Art Exhibition"


"I Present" is an open call to the Mexican Diaspora in the UK to showcase their day-to-day experiences being Mexican in the UK through the power of art. The Art Exhibition in the heart of London will showcase pieces that will convey Mexican migration's diverse experiences and expressions. Submit your art here and be part of this initiative led by the Embassy of Mexico!



1st Stage: How to participate? 


• Mexicans living in the UK can participate (no need to be an artist).

• The following registration form must be filled out: Click here

• Works can range across paintings, photography, sculpture, collage, performance or any other artistic manifestation in freestyle and technique.

• By submitting the registration form, the Embassy of Mexico in the United Kingdom (hereinafter "The Embassy") will assume that the participants accept the terms and conditions.




2nd Stage: Reception of the works


• The reception of the works will take place at the Embassy of Mexico in the United Kingdom (16 St George St, London, W1S 1FD), from January 16 to February 15, 2023, from 10:00 to 16:00 hours, Monday through Friday.

• To receive the artwork, participants must notify Fernando Champion, Head of Cultural Affairs, by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to be assigned a timeslot for the delivery of their piece. 


3rd Stage: Selection and exhibition of the works


• The organizing committee will select the works to be exhibited and inform their authors about this decision via email on February 21, 2023.

• The selected works will be exhibited for one week, from March 13 to March 17, 2023, at the Embassy's cultural Pop-up, located at 8 Halkin Street, London SW1X 7DW.

• The date of the opening of the exhibition will be announced on Tuesday, February 21, 2023.

• Being a call focused on Mexican experiences and subjectivities, none of the works will be judged or evaluated in any way or sense. The Organising Committee will only select the works under the criteria deemed pertinent to guarantee the order of the exhibition.


Terms and Conditions


1. The call will be open to all Mexican individuals residing in the UK. 

2. All the information detailing the entry into the call is part of these terms and conditions. By submitting the registration documents, the participants tacitly accept these rules.

3. Proposals must be submitted before February 17, 2023, at 3:59 PM. London time (GMT + 0).

4. All proposals sent to participate must be an original creation of the people who send them.

5. The proposal must not be defamatory, obscene, or violate any regulation or legislation.

6. All participants must register with their name, postal address, telephone and email and accept the terms and conditions.

7. The works selected to be exhibited will be chosen by an organizing committee established by the Embassy, ​​which reserves the right to add or replace any committee members without prior notification.

8. By submitting the form, the participants declare they have rights over the artwork. By entering the call, participants consent to use their name and piece in advertisements or educational material carried out by the Embassy on its website, social networks and newsletters without prior notification or compensation. The Embassy may or may not publish, use or not use any submitted work, and the participant retains all proprietary rights and the rights to publish or use their pieces.

9. Participants must cover all expenses and costs of transporting their pieces and, if applicable, transporting themselves. The Embassy will not be responsible for the possible damage and/or loss that the works may suffer during any stage of the call/exhibition. 

10. The verdict of the Embassy and the members that make up the organizing committee are final and cannot be appealed.

11. The Embassy will not be responsible for works damage, loss, mistreatment, incomplete or delivered by illegal means, and reserves the right to reject works that do not comply with the rules of the call. Likewise, the Embassy will not be responsible for technical problems that make it impossible to transmit the application to enter the open call. 

12. The personal contact details of the contestants collected by the Embassy will not be used for purposes other than those specified in these terms and conditions, with the exception of information on similar activities and calls that could be useful, unless the participants grant their explicit consent to act otherwise in extraordinary circumstances and not provided for in these terms and conditions. For example, the Embassy collects such information for registration, follow-up, and keeping participants informed.

13. The Embassy reserves the right to modify, cancel or suspend the exhibition in the event of unforeseen circumstances without prior notification.

14. The Embassy will not be responsible for errors or omissions that may exist in the communications material related to this call.

15. Participants must comply with the rules and terms and conditions of this call, and it will be considered that they have accepted and understood them if they participate.

16. For more information, please send an email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.