Executive Branch:
Presidency of Mexico www.presidencia.gob.mx |
Secretariat of Public Service www.funcionpublica.gob.mx |
Secretariat of Health www.salud.gob.mx |
Secretariat of National Defense www.sedena.gob.mx |
Secretariat of the Navy www.semar.gob.mx |
Secretariat of Finance and Public Credit www.shcp.gob.mx |
Secretariat of the Interior www.gobernacion.gob.mx |
Secretariat of Foreign Affairs www.sre.gob.mx |
Secretariat of Economy www.economia.gob.mx |
Secretariat of Agrarian Reform www.sra.gob.mx |
Secretariat of Energy www.sener.gob.mx |
Secretariat of Social Development www.sedesol.gob.mx |
Secretariat of Education www.sep.gob.mx |
Secretariat of Communication and Transportation www.sct.gob.mx |
Secretariat of Labor www.stps.gob.mx |
Secretariat of Agrarian, Territorial and Urban Development. www.sedatu.gob.mx |
Secretariat of Turism www.sectur.gob.mx |
Procuraduría General de la República www.pgr.gob.mx |
Secretariat of Public Security www.ssp.gob.mx |
Secretariat of Environment and Natural Resources www.semarnat.gob.mx |
Portal of the Government of Mexico www.gob.mx |
Legislative Branch: |
Senators Chamber www.senado.gob.mx |
Representatives House www.diputados.gob.mx/ |
Judicial Branch: |
Supreme Court of Justice www.scjn.gob.mx |
State Governments: |
Aguascalientes www.aguascalientes.gob.mx |
Baja California www.bajacalifornia.gob.mx |
Baja California Sur www.bcs.gob.mx |
Campeche www.campeche.gob.mx |
Colima www.colima-estado.gob.mx |
Coahuila www.coahuila.gob.mx |
Chiapas www.chiapas.gob.mx |
Chihuahua www.chihuahua.gob.mx |
Distrito Federal www.df.gob.mx |
Durango www.durango.gob.mx |
Estado de México www.edomexico.gob.mx |
Guanajuato www.guanajuato.gob.mx |
Guerrero www.guerrero.gob.mx |
Hidalgo www.hidalgo.gob.mx |
Jalisco www.jalisco.gob.mx |
Michoacán www.michoacan.gob.mx |
Morelos www.morelos.gob.mx |
Nayarit www.nayarit.gob.mx |
Nuevo León www.nl.gob.mx |
Oaxaca www.oaxaca.gob.mx |
Puebla www.puebla.gob.mx |
Querétaro www.queretaro.gob.mx |
Quintana Roo www.qroo.gob.mx |
San Luis Potosí www.sanluispotosi.gob.mx |
Sinaloa www.sinaloa.gob.mx |
Sonora www.sonora.gob.mx |
Tabasco www.tabasco.gob.mx |
Tamaulipas www.tamaulipas.gob.mx |
Tlaxcala www.tlaxcala.gob.mx |
Veracruz www.veracruz.gob.mx |
Yucatán www.yucatan.gob.mx |
Zacatecas www.zacatecas.gob.mx |
Political Parties: |
Laws: |
Institute of Judicial Research http://info.juridicas.unam.mx |
Others: |
Official Journal of the Federation www.dof.gob.mx |
Institute for Access to Public Information www.ifai.org.mx |
National Electoral Institute www.ine.mx/portal/ |
Federal Electoral Court www.trife.gob.mx |
National Archive www.agn.gob.mx |
Human Rights National Comission www.cndh.org.mx |
Human Rights Mexican Academy | National Council of Population www.conapo.gob.mx |
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