Below you will find information about the mexican visa.
-For less than 180 days:
Please be advised that US (does not apply for ESTA type of visa), UK, Schengen, Japanese (does not apply for waiver type of visa) and/or Canadian visa holders do not require Mexican visa to enter Mexico, as long as the visa is still valid, multiple-entry and their purpose of visit is to do non-remunerated activities. The immigration officers will decide whether to authorize their entry to Mexico by stamping the entry permit stamp on their passport, after checking their visa and do the interview related to their activities in Mexico. Also, we recommend them to have their return ticket, hotel reservation (printed) and/or any document related to their trip to Mexico with them.
Visitors without permission to perform remunerated activities
Visitors with permission to perform remunerated activities.
-For more than 180 days
Temporary resident visa
Temporary resident visa by invitation of employment
Student temporary resident visa