Looking for suppliers of products in Mexico?

In order to assist you in your search for possible suppliers in Mexico for your business, please follow the next steps:

1.Download and fill out thoroughly (providing the tariff code of each product you seek is mandatory) the following questionnaire: Click here to download

2.Email the questionnaire and any additional information about the product or the suppliers you are looking for (photos, excel spreadsheets, sketches, etc.) to Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.

Invest in Mexico

If you are interested in investing in Mexico, please fill out the following questionnaire and email it to us at Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.Questionnaire.

For 30 years, Mexico has pursued a path towards greater economic openness, focused on the liberalization of international trade and attracting investment flows. This policy has been matched by an aggressive agenda of privatization of government-owned companies.

Throughout this period important changes were made to the Law on Foreign Investment and free trade agreements were signed with the largest economies in the world. A consistent, solid and stable macroeconomic framework was also achieved, providing certainty for investment decisions by firms.

Today the country possesses an attractive business environment, legal certainty, one of the largest networks of free trade agreements in the world, extensively developed economic sectors and a highly competitive cost profile. In order to facilitate business operations even further, progress is also being made in terms of infrastructure, to make Mexico a world-class logistics platform.

This document presents an overview of the strengths and competitive advantages that make Mexico an excellent choice for basing business operations.

This manual provides clear and timely information about the regulatory regime applicable to foreign investment in Mexico and about the procedures that must be carried out to legally establish in the country, with the purpose of facilitating that individuals and corporations invest in Mexico.

The manual was updated by personnel of the General Direction of Foreign Investment,  which belongs to the Global Economic Intelligence Unit at the Secretariat of Economy.


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Section of Economic Affairs