Business or Technical visitor -Invitation by an organization that will pay for the trip
Citizens who are going to undertake “Activities Non Remunerated in Mexico” for less than six months:
All visas are processed at the Mexican Embassy in Bucharest (145 Calea Victoriei, sector 1, Bucharest, Romania, tel: +4021 210 47 13, +4 021 210 47 28 or +4 021 210 45 77). The physical presence of the applicant at the Embassy is an absolute requirement for the biometric process and interview.
- A valid passport and photocopy of the pages where the personal details and holder's photograph are found.
- Visa application - Click here (print on both sides)
- One passport size photograph (it must be in color, with the face clearly visible without glasses, white background, and be taken within the last month).
- Copy of valid proof that you are legally residing in Romania: visa, resident card, or passport with Romanian immigration entry stamps.
- Original responsive letter from an organization or a public or private institution that invites the foreigner to participate in a non-lucrative activity in Mexico The letter should contain the following information:
- Applicant's full name and nationality;
- The corporate name of the organization;
- Official registration number;
- Purpose of the organization or private institution;
- Full address and contact details of the organization or private institution;
- Information on the activities that the applicants will do within the organization or private institution. The documents that prove that the applicant has the experience, ability, skills, or knowledge necessary to fulfill the activity for which he or she was invited, in original and copy.
- Starting and completion date;
- The written commitment that the organization or private institution will cover the maintenance fees during the person’s stay in Mexico and their return to their country of origin, and
- Copy of the official identification with signature and photograph of the person that subscribes the letter.
In order to prove that it has resources to fulfill the financial obligation referred to in (h) above, the private organization or institution that invites will present the original and copy of bank statements showing a monthly average amount of at least 1.000 minimum daily wages in Mexico City (at least €13,340.00), on each and every month of the last twelve months.
- The documents that prove that the applicant has the experience, ability, skills, or knowledge necessary to fulfill the activity for which he or she was invited, in original and copy.
- Payment of consular fees ($54) made in cash and the exact amount, payable to the Mexican Consulate. A receipt will be issued accordingly. The payment will NOT be refunded if your visa application is rejected.
A consular officer will interview you, if the consular interview is satisfactory, a visa could be issued on the spot. For cases that need data verification or submission of further documentation, the processing period could take up to 10 working days. Therefore, it is important to plan your trip taking into consideration this waiting period.
The applicant is responsible to bring all required original civil documents, and photocopies of the original civil documents, to the visa interview. Failure to bring all required original civil documents and the photocopies to the interview may cause delay or denial of the visa.
Processing time: One hour after handing in the aforementioned documentation, in a complete and satisfactory manner.
Procedure: The person interested must apply for an appointment through Mi Consulado for a resident visa.
- If the company is not based in Romania, the letter must be legalized (apostilled).
- The requirements shown above are the minimum requirements to apply for a visa. It is strongly advised that if you have further evidence to support your visa application, you carry it with you on the day of your appointment.
- Presenting the minimum requirements of the visa application does not mean that the visa will be approved. Further information might be requested by the Consular agent in charge of processing your application.
- We strongly advise NOT to make any travel arrangements until a decision on your visa has been made. The embassy will not take any responsibility for any plane tickets purchased before your visa has been approved.
Important: In accordance with Mexican immigration laws, a visa does not guarantee admission to Mexico. The final decision on admittance is conditioned to the approval of the relevant sanitary and immigration authorities at the point of entry, which is entitled to verify the profile of the traveler and fulfillment of the requirements.