Avisos - Announcements



Política de Vinculación y Atención Integral para la Mujer - VAIM

I want to thank you for all the work you did in Romania in order to develop the relations between our countries.

Dan Stoenescu

Minister Delegate for Romanian Diaspora



I firmly believe that relations between Romania and Mexico have very much benefited from your experience and I am convinced that our bilateral ties will further consolidate in the years to come.

Daniela Gîtman

Secretar de Stat,



During your time in Romania, Mexico was a strong presence here, with some remarkable events of substance and exposure, in the organization of which your persistence and personal vision were clearly felt.

Gabriel Gafița

Director MAE,

Latin America Department


Congratulations for your personal contribution to the promotion of the relations between our two countries during your mandate as Ambassador of Mexico in Romania.

Gheorghe Dinică

General Director of the Diplomatic Club


All the best Ambassador and do not forget Romania!

Alexandru Grădinar
Counsellor for Foreign Affairs

Foreign Policy Department
Presidential Administration


I will keep you, Dear Mr. Ambassador, as a very special personality of the Mexican diplomacy and a true friend of Romania.

Dr.Octav-Dan Paxino

Ministru plenipotențiar

Direcția America Latină și Caraibi


I wish to express my sincerest consideration for the work you have carried in Romania. Reflecting on the time you spent in my country, I am grateful for our relationship and I value our cooperation.

Ana Claudia Tapardel

Euro Parlamentarian

European Parliament


Your presence in Romania was very much cherished and your valuable work and support contributed to the intensification of the relations between our country and Mexico, relations which we desire to continue and develop further.

Prof.Dr.Eng.Ioan Bondrea


"Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu


Allow me to express my apreciation and gratitude for Your Excellency's support in the activities organized by the Library of Latin American studies, here in Cluj, in 2014 and 2015. We are extremely thankful for the book donation, as well.

Prof.Ioan-Aurel Pop

Rector of Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca

Member of the Romanian Academy


I will always remember our great collaboration, our joint actions, and the strong ties that, I must admit, have connected us.

Ciprian Valcan

Vice Rector

University of Timișoara


Tuve el honor de volar con Su Excelencia a Zalău, donde encontramos una persona de alta calidad humana, defensor de la "gran familia europea". 

Corneliu Condrea

División de Petroleo

Ministerio de Energía


I wish you all the best in whatever you shall do in Mexico, even if you decide to retire, which I find it to early for a person with your energy and work force.

Mihai Ivașcu

Director Executiv, Departamentul Relații Interne

Camera de Comerț și Industrie a României


Ha sido un honor y un placer de conocer a usted y descubrir que existen similitudes entre nos pueblos, mexicano y romano, porque están definidos por el mismo deseo de construir puentes de conexión entre las dos culturas. 

Mircea Andreescu

Manager Program

Groupe Renault


You made a very good service to your country here in Romania and we hope that the new Ambassador will continue the work here in order to promote tourism in Mexico.

Cosmin Marinof

Sales Manager

Eurolines Romania


Your presence here in Romania was full of achievements. It was a great pleasure to meet and talk to you at different events organized by your Excellency.

Teodor Moldoveanu

Managing Director

Dante Travel


Thank you for all your support during my visit to Mexico, it has been an exceptional culinary experience.

Cătălin Scărlătescu



Congradulations for completing your mission in Bucharest successfully!

Robert Veress

Editor in chief

Puterea Daily


I would like to express my gratitude for our excellent cooperation.

Carmen Ionescu

Foreign Bilateral Division

Senate of Romania


Agradezco todo lo que hizo por la Escuela México. Guardaremos para siempre la imagen de usted, sonríendo y animando a los niños.

Cristiana Dorobanțu


Școala Mexic


Thank you very much for your kind message and for your exceptional work as Ambassador of Mexico to Bucharest. It was a honor for me and my radio station to co-operate with your Excellency on various projects.

Eugen Cojocariu

Head of Radio Romania International


The books that you kindly offered to our students have expanded their cultural horizons.

Lucia Șerban

Director Educativ,

Olga Gudynn International School