Visas for Mexico



Submission of documents does not guarantee visa issuance. For more information, see our information brochure here.

Visa application generates the payment of fees, to be made in cash, on the day of your appointment (Consular Fees Table). In case of a negative visa outcome, a refund of the payment made will NOT be made.



On the day of the appointment the applicant must present:

1.- Visa Application completed in every field in legible handwriting. The signature must be the same as on the passport. (download here).
3. Valid passport in original and copy of personal data page.
4. In the case of minors, original and copy of the minor's birth certificate indicating paternity and maternity (multilingual birth extract) and copy of valid parental identification.
5. One photograph with white background and frontal, face clearly visible, without glasses, in color, measuring 32 x 26 mm or 39 x 31 mm.
6. Original and copy of the document attesting to his or her legal residence, if the foreign person does not have the nationality of the country in which he or she is applying for the visa: "Permit of Residence" (Permiso de Residencia), valid.
7. Attestation of solvency or entrenchment as follows:

A. Demonstrable economic solvency.
• Original and copy of receipt of investment or bank accounts for the last three months with an average monthly balance of 3,982.63 euros; (the bank statement should contain the following information: name of the bank; name of the account holder; IBAN code, with bank stamp, and original signature of the bank); or
• Original or copy of documents showing that he/she has employment or a pension with taxfree monthly income equivalent to 1,340.82 euros employment contract, last three pay stubs; bank statements for the last 3 months in which the salary payment is referred to) and permanent employment contract with minimum seniority of one year or alternatively fixed-term employment contracts having a work history of at least 12 months prior to the date of his/her appointment.

NOTE: In the case of foreign persons regularly studying in institutions of higher education, they will have to submit the original of the certificate of studies as well as the original of the contract of employment, subsidy or scholarship in which the monthly income of 999.68 euros, for each of the last three months, is shown.

In case the submitted documents are not issued in Italy, the documents must be submitted with "L'Apostille" affixed by the competent foreign Authority in the countries party to the Haya Convention of 5.10.1961. The documents must be translated into Spanish for an official expert.

B. Rooting:
• Original and copy of the deed of provenance (deed, inheritance or gift) of real estate duly registered in the applicant's name for at least two years and evidencing stable employment with a minimum seniority of two years; or
• Original and copy of the deed of real estate duly registered in the name of the applicant for at least two years and document evidencing ownership or partnership issued by the competent authorities, for at least two years.

NOTE: In the case of minors, or persons who are subject to legal guardianship under the terms of civil law, the application form must be signed on the day of the appointment by both parents or those exercising parental authority by presenting original and apostilled birth certificate translated into Spanish. In the event that the father or mother does not physically appear at the consular office to obtain the child's visa, a notarized authorization from the other parent will need to be presented, stating consent to obtain the Mexican visa.

In the case of a spouse, who is economically dependent on the foreign person holding a tourist visa, which is valid, or who is exempt from the visa application, a visa as a visitor (tourist visa) may be issued in his or her favor, without permission to carry out remunerative activities, which will have to prove the family bond through the apostilled marriage act, translated into Spanish and credit the economic solvency of the spouse in accordance with points A and B. On the day of the appointment, both spouses must appear in person at the Consulate.

We inform you that in accordance with the reform of Article 26 of the Guidelines for Migratory Routes and Procedures published on May 17, 2016 in the "Diario Oficial de la Federación" and in particular in the a), b) and numeral 3 determines that foreign nationals do not need to apply for a visa to present themselves in the entry migration filters in Mexico if:
• Holds a Residence Permit of unlimited/ indefinite duration from one of the Schengen countries or has a permanent residence for the United States of America, Canada, Japan or the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland; or
• Holds a valid multiple-entry, current visa for the United States of America, Canada, Japan, the United Kingdom and Ireland del Norte or any of the countries that conform the Schengen area.

Below you will find the web link for more information.

If, on this occasion, a visa is denied by the Migration Act, the decision is final. However, this is NOT a permanent denial. You may reapply, whenever you are able to provide new information or if the general requirements have changed significantly.
NOTE: This representation has 10 working days to give you a response regarding your visa, according to the guidelines of the Immigration Law.
The visa does not guarantee entry into the national territory. Entry into Mexico is subject to the approval of the migration authority at the place designated for the international transit of persons.

If you have all the documents for the required paperwork, print out the requirements and access the MI CONSULADO portal to make an appointment, through the following link:


The presentation of the documents does not guarantee visa issuance. For more information, see our information brochure here.

Visa application generates the payment of fees, to be made in cash, on the day of your appointment (Consular Fees Table). In case of a negative visa outcome, a refund of the payment made will NOT be made.

On the day of the appointment, the applicant must submit:
1. Visa Application completed in every field in legible handwriting. The signature must be the same as on the passport. (download here).
2. Valid passport and copy of biographical data page
3. A photograph with white background and from the front, with a visible face and without glasses, in colour, measuring 32 mm x 26 mm or 39 mm x 31 mm.
4. Original and copy of the letter of acceptance from the institution belonging to the national education system in which you intend to study, specifying the following information:

  • Full name of the applicant and nationality;
  • The level, degree and area of study the applicant intends to undertake;
  • Name of the course in which you have been accepted;
  • Start and end date of course;
  • Tuition fee for the course;
  • Identification data of the educational institution;

5. Photocopy of the official identification with signature of the person signing the letter of acceptance.
6. Proof of financial solvency:

  • Original and copy of documents showing that you have a job, pension or scholarship with a monthly income free of charges greater than the equivalent of 1,340.82 euros during the last three months (example: employment contract and the last three payroll receipts); or
  • Original and copy of proof of investments or bank accounts with average monthly balance equivalent to 13,275.44 euros, during the last three months (the monthly statement must contain the following information: name of the bank, name of holder and IBAN code. In case of not having the last official statement present a copy of the list of movements of each of the last three months with opening balance and final balance, with the stamp of the bank); or
  • Financial solvency may be proven by the applicant, his parents or the person exercising parental authority, provided that they are not over 25 years old, For which you must present birth certificate indicating the name of the father and the mother and submit documents demonstrating the financial solvency of the same or with letter from the educational institution that proves that you have been beneficiary of a scholarship or document a bank or financial institution that proves that it has the financing.

If you have all the documents for the required paperwork, print out the requirements and access the MI CONSULADO portal to make an appointment, through the following link: MI CONSULADO

In the case of being a minor or persons subject to legal guardianship under the terms of civil law, the application form must be signed by both parents or by the person exercising parental authority. Both parents must also present themselves on the day of the appointment, if the father or mother does not physically report to the consular office to obtain the visa of the minor, must present notarial authorization from the other parent stating their consent to obtain a Mexican visa, apostilled and translated into Spanish.

If the visa has been denied under the migration law, it means that the decision is final for your application on this occasion; however, this is NOT a permanent rejection.  You may reapply as long as you can provide new information or if your general conditions have changed significantly.

NOTE: Once your procedure is authorized, the visa will be delivered the same day within the opening hours to the public, otherwise, this representation has 10 working days to give you a response on your visa, in accordance with the general guidelines for the issuance of visas.
The visa does not guarantee entry to the national territory. Entry to Mexico is subject to approval by the migration authority at the place of international transit.


Submission of documents does not guarantee visa issuance. For more information, see our information brochure here.

Visa application generates the payment of fees, to be made in cash, on the day of your appointment (Consular Fees Table). In case of a negative visa outcome, a refund of the payment made will NOT be made.

On the day of the appointment, the applicant must submit:
1. Visa Application completed in every field in legible handwriting. The signature must be the same as on the passport. (download here)
2. Valid passport and copy of your personal information page.
3. Original and copy of the document attesting to his or her legal residence, if the foreign person does not have nationality in the country where he or she is applying for the visa: valid "Permit of Residence" (Permiso de Residencia).
4. A photograph with a white background and front, face clearly visible, without glasses, in color, measuring 32 x 26 mm or 39 x 31 mm.
5. Proof of economic solvency:
• Original and copies of documents showing that you have employment or pension with monthly tax-free income that is more than the equivalent of 3,982.63 euros, for the last six months (for example: employment contract and last six pay stubs; the bank statement for the last 6 months which should contain the following information: name of the bank; name of the account holder and IBAN code. In case you do not have the last official bank statement, submit a copy of the list of bank movements made in the last six months, stamped by the bank.); or
• Original and copy of the receipt of investments or bank accounts with an average monthly balance of each month equal to the equivalent of 66,377.18 euros, last twelve months (each month's bank statement should contain the following information: name of the bank; name of the account holder and IBAN code and beginning balance and ending balance. In case you do not have the last official bank statement, submit a copy of the list of bank movements made in the last twelve months, stamped by the bank).

If you have all the documents for the required paperwork, print out the requirements and access the MI CONSULADO portal to make an appointment, through the following link:

If, on this occasion, a visa is denied by the Migration Act, the decision is final. However, this is NOT a permanent denial. You may reapply, whenever you are able to provide new information or if the general requirements have changed significantly.
NOTE: This representation has 10 working days to give you a response regarding your visa, according to the guidelines of the Immigration Law. The visa does not guarantee entry into the national territory. Entry into Mexico is subject to the approval of the migration authority at the place designated for the international transit of persons.


Submission of documents does not guarantee visa issuance. For more information, see our information brochure here.

Visa application generates the payment of fees, to be made in cash, on the day of your appointment (Consular Fees Table). In case of a negative visa outcome, a refund of the payment made will NOT be made.

1. Visa Application completed in every field in legible handwriting. The signature must be the same as on the passport. (download here)
2. Valid, current passport or ID and travel document, in original and photocopy.
3. One color photograph, front facing, with white background, face visible, without glasses, passport size, the measurements of which must be at least 32mm x 26mm and at most 39mm x 31mm.
4. If the person is not a citizen of the country in which he/she applies for the visa, he/she must submit original and photocopy of the document certifying legal residence in that country.
5. Submit the following documents proving the investor status of the interested party:
• Certificate of ownership of the enterprise issued by Notary Public noting that the foreign person is part of the share capital of said enterprise and that the amount of investment actually disbursed for the foreign person's participation in the enterprise exceeds 4,978,848.93  pesos or 265,522.01 euros, all of which may be ascertained by means of the contract of purchase and sale of shares or social shares, contract of transfer of property or rights in favor of the enterprise or document disbursed by the enterprise crediting the amount contributed by the person concerned for the participation as share capital, in original and photocopy; and
• Document crediting the ownership or title to movable property or fixed assets in favor of the enterprise, used with economic or entrepreneurial purposes, with a value exceeding 4,978,848.93  pesos or 265,522.01 euros, in original and photocopy; o,
• Documentation crediting the development of economic or entrepreneurial activities in the national territory, which may be ascertained through contracts, service orders, invoices, receipts, business plans, licenses or permits, or certificate issued by the Instituto Mexicano
de Seguridad Social showing that the enterprise has hired at least three workers, in original and photocopy.

If, on this occasion, the visa is denied by the Migration Law, the decision is final. However, this is NOT a permanent denial. You may reapply, whenever you are able to provide new information or if the general requirements have changed significantly.
NOTE: This representation has 10 working days to give you a response regarding your visa, according to the guidelines of the Immigration Law.
The visa does not guarantee entry into the country. Entry into Mexico is subject to the approval of the migration authority at the place designated for the international transit of persons.

If you have all the documents for the required paperwork, print out the requirements and access the MI CONSULADO portal to make an appointment, through the following link:


Submission of documents does not guarantee visa issuance. For more information, see our information brochure here.

Visa application generates the payment of fees, to be made in cash, on the day of your appointment (Consular Fees Table). In case of a negative visa outcome, a refund of the payment made will NOT be made.

On the day of the appointment, the applicant must submit:
1. Visa Application completed in every field in legible handwriting. The signature must be the same as on the passport (download here)
2. Valid passport.
3. A photograph with a white background and front, face clearly visible, without glasses, in color, measuring 32 x 26 mm or 39 x 31 mm.
In the case of marriage to a Mexican or Mexican-American:
1. Original and copy of the Marriage Deed apostilled and translated into Spanish.
2. Original and copy of the document proving the Mexican nationality of the spouse (birth certificate and passport).
If the applicant has a Mexican child:
Original and copy of the child's Mexican birth certificate and passport.
NOTE:The application for a family reunification visa proceeds only if the applicant is accompanied by the Mexican national when submitting the application at a consular office.
If, on this occasion, the visa is denied by the migration law, the decision is final. However, this is NOT a permanent denial. You may reapply, whenever you are able to provide new information or if the general requirements have changed significantly.
NOTE: This representation has 10 working days to give you a response regarding your visa, according to the guidelines of the Immigration Law.
The visa does not guarantee entry into the national territory. Entry into Mexico is subject to the approval of the migration authority at the place designated for the international transit of persons.

If you have all the documents for the required paperwork, print out the requirements and access the MI CONSULADO portal to make an appointment, through the following link:


Submission of documents does not guarantee visa issuance. For more information, see our information brochure here.

Visa application generates the payment of fees, to be made in cash, on the day of your appointment (Consular Fees Table). In case of a negative visa outcome, a refund of the payment made will NOT be made.

In order to obtain a work permit, it is necessary to have an employment contract in Mexico, prior to arriving in Mexico.
• The employer in Mexico will need to file the application directly with the National Migration Institute in Mexico.
• In order to proceed with the authorization, it is first necessary for the employer to have the "Constancia de Inscripción de empleados."
• Then he/she will have to start the paperwork for the "Temporary Residence Visa, of visitor with the permit to carry out remunerated activities," requested at the National Institute of Migration for the job offer.
• If the resolution is favorable a visa authorization document will be given to the employer.
• Once the person is in possession of this document with the NUT number (no zeros left), he/she will need to log on to MI CONSULADO, to make an appointment for a consular interview, at the following link: MI CONSULADO
On the day of the appointment, the applicant will need to submit:
1. Visa Application completed in every field in legible handwriting. The signature must be the same as on the passport. (download here).
• Copy of the authorization document from Immigration.
• Valid passport.
• Original and copy of the document attesting to his or her legal residence, if the foreign person does not have nationality in the country where he or she is applying for the visa: "Permesso de Residencia" (Residence Permit).
• A photograph with a white background and front, face clearly visible, without glasses, in color, measuring 32 x 26 mm or 39 x 31 mm.
NOTE: This representation has 10 working days to give you a response regarding your visa, according to the guidelines of the Immigration Law. The visa does not guarantee entry into the national territory. Entry into Mexico is subject to the approval of the migration authority at the place designated for the international transit of persons.


Submission of documents does not guarantee visa issuance. For more information, see our information brochure here.

Visa application generates the payment of fees, to be made in cash, on the day of your appointment (Consular Fees Table). In case of a negative visa outcome, a refund of the payment made will NOT be made.

On the day of the appointment, the applicant must submit:
1. Visa Application completed in every field in legible handwriting. The signature must be the same as on the passport. (download here)
2. Valid passport.
3. Original and copy of the document attesting to his or her legal residence, if the foreign person does not have nationality in the country in which he or she is applying for the visa: "Permit of Residence" (Permiso de Residencia).
4. A photograph with a white background and front, face clearly visible, without glasses, in color, measuring 32 x 26 mm or 39 x 31 mm
5. Original and copy of an invitation card from a public or private organization or institution inviting the foreign person to participate in any unpaid activity in Mexico, specifying:
• Applicant's full name and nationality;
• Name or business name of the organization;
• Official registry number, as appropriate;
• Purpose of the private or public organization or institution;
• Full domicile and contact details of the organization or institution;
• Information about the activity that the foreign person is going to carry out or the project in which the foreign person will participate. The foreign person's activity should be related to the purposes of the inviting organization or institution;
• Estimated duration or approximate date of the end of the activity he/she is going to do;
• Expression of willingness to take charge of the foreign person during his/her stay in Mexico and his/her return to his/her country of origin or residence; and
• Photocopy of an official document bearing the signature of the person signing the acceptance card.
6. Attestation of economic solvency:
• The inviting private organization or institution shall submit original and copy of proof of investments or bank accounts with average monthly balance equivalent to 2,489,300 pesos or 132,377.18 euros, from the last 12 months.
• Public institutions and private institutions belonging to the National Educational System, do not need to prove economic solvency.
7. Original and copies of documents with which the foreign person demonstrates that he/she has the experience, capacity and skills or knowledge necessary to perform the activity for which he/she has been invited.
If, on this occasion, the visa is denied by the Migration Act, the decision is final. However, this is NOT a permanent denial. You may reapply, whenever you are able to provide new information or if the general requirements have changed significantly.
NOTE: This representation has 10 working days to give you a response regarding your visa, according to the guidelines of the Immigration Law.
The visa does not guarantee entry into the national territory. Entry into Mexico is subject to the approval of the migration authority at the place designated for the international transit of persons.

If you have all the documents for the required paperwork, print out the requirements and access the MI CONSULADO portal to make an appointment, through the following link:


Submission of documents does not guarantee visa issuance. For more information, see our information brochure here.

Visa application generates the payment of fees, to be made in cash, on the day of your appointment (Consular Fees Table). In case of a negative visa outcome, a refund of the payment made will NOT be made.

On the day of the appointment, the applicant must submit:
1. Visa Application completed in every field in legible handwriting. The signature must be the same as on the passport. (download here)
2. Valid passport and a photocopy. (The photocopy must contain the holder's biographical data and signature)
3. Original and copy of the document attesting to his/her legal residence, if the foreign person does not have nationality in the country where he/she is applying for the visa: "Permesso de Residencia" (Residence Permit).
4. A photograph with a white background and front, face clearly visible, without glasses, in color, measuring 32 x 26 mm or 39 x 31 mm
5. Original and copy of an invitation card from a public or private organization or institution inviting the foreign person to participate in any unpaid activity in Mexico, specifying:
• Applicant's full name and nationality;
• Name or business name of the organization;
• Official registry number, as appropriate;
• Purpose of the private or public organization or institution;
• Full domicile and contact details of the organization or institution;
• Information about the activity that the foreign person is going to carry out or the project in which the foreign person will participate. The foreign person's activity should be related to the purposes of the inviting organization or institution;
• Estimated duration or approximate date of the end of the activity he/she is going to do;
• Assurance that the foreign person will not be paid domestically;
• Expression of willingness to take charge of the foreign person during his/her stay in Mexico and his/her return to his/her country of origin or residence; and
• Photocopy of an official document bearing the signature of the person signing the acceptance card.
6. Attestation of economic solvency:
• Original and copy of documents showing that he/she has employment or pension with monthly tax-free income equivalent to 3,982.63 euros, for the last six months (for example: last six pay stubs and employment contract); or
• Original and copy of the receipt of investment or bank accounts with an average monthly balance of 66,377.18 euros (the bank statement should contain the following information: name of the bank; name of the account holder and IBAN code. In case you do not have the latest official bank statement, submit a copy of the list of bank movements made in the last six months, stamped by the bank).
7. Original and copies of documents with which the foreign person demonstrates that he/she has the experience, ability and skills or knowledge necessary to perform the activity for which he/she has been invited.
If, on this occasion, the visa is denied by the Migration Act, the decision is final. However, this is NOT a permanent denial. You may reapply, whenever you are able to provide new information or if the general requirements have changed significantly.
NOTE: This representation has 10 working days to give you a response regarding your visa, according to the guidelines of the Immigration Law.
The visa does not guarantee entry into the national territory. Entry into Mexico is subject to the approval of the migration authority at the place designated for the international transit of persons.

If you have all the documents for the required paperwork, print out the requirements and access the MI CONSULADO portal to make an appointment, through the following link:


If you are a Russian, Turkish or Ukrainian citizen and are planning to travel to Mexico by air, you can obtain electronic authorization to enter as a Visitor, without permission to carry out remunerated activities (Tourism and Business), without the need to apply for an ordinary Mexican visa.

The electronic authorization is valid for 180 days from its issuance and can be used for one entry only.
Upon arrival in Mexico, a migration agent will check your documentation and grant up to 180 to stay in the country as a visitor without permission to carry out remunerated activities. Remember that if you are of one of the above nationalities and have a valid visa for the United States, Great Britain, Schengen Area or Canada or are a permanent resident of one of these countries, you will be able to enter Mexico without the need for a Mexican visa or this electronic authorization (SAE).
The following requirements must be met in order to use this system and obtain electronic authorization:
1. In order to use the electronic authorization, it is necessary to verify that the airline by which he/she will arrive in Mexico, participates in the SAE scheme.
2. Be a Russian, Ukrainian or Turkish citizen.
3. Have a valid passport.
4.Complete the application by connecting to the link:
If your application is approved, you will need to print the proof and present it on the day of your flight to the desk of the airline you will be traveling with, there a Federal Migration Agent will verify your documentation: electronic authorization and valid passport.
For more information:
Please note that if your entry is by land or sea, you must obtain an ordinary Mexican visa by meeting all requirements:



Submission of documents does not guarantee visa issuance. For more information, see our information brochure here.

Visa application generates the payment of fees, to be made in cash, on the day of your appointment (Consular Fees Table). In case of a negative visa outcome, a refund of the payment made will NOT be made.

On the day of the appointment, the applicant must submit:
1. Visa Application completed in every field in legible handwriting. The signature must be the same as on the passport. (download here)
2. Valid passport or valid and current ID and travel document in original and copy of the personal data page.
3. One color photograph, front facing, with white background, face visible, without glasses, passport size, whose measurements should be as a minimum 32mm x 26mm and as a maximum 39mm x 31mm.
4. If the person is not an Italian citizen, he/she must submit original and photocopy of valid and current residence permit.

Submit the following documents proving real estate in the national territory:
1. Original and copy of the public deed prepared by a notary attesting to the foreign person's ownership of real estate with a value exceeding 9,957,448.93 pesos or 531,030.75 euros.
If, on this occasion, the visa is denied by the migration law, the decision is final. However, this is NOT a permanent denial. You may reapply, whenever you are able to provide new information or if the general requirements have changed significantly.
The visa does not guarantee entry into the country. Entry into Mexico is subject to the approval of the migration authority at the place designated for international transit of persons.
NOTE: This representation has 10 working days to give you a response regarding your visa, according to the guidelines of the Immigration Law.
The visa does not guarantee entry into the national territory. Entry into Mexico is subject to the approval of the migration authority at the place designated for the international transit of persons.

If you have all the documents for the required paperwork, print out the requirements and access the MI CONSULADO portal to make an appointment, through the following link: MI CONSULADO

Visa application generates the payment of fees, to be made in cash, on the day of your appointment (Consular Fees Table). In case of a negative visa outcome, a refund of the payment made will NOT be made.

On the day of the appointment the applicant must present:
1. Visa Application completed in every field in legible handwriting. The signature must be the same as on the passport. (download here)
2. Original and copy of the minor's valid passport.
3. Original and copy of passport or ID with parent's signature
4. Original and copy of the child's birth certificate indicating paternity and maternity (multilingual birth extract).
5. A photograph of the minor with a white background, frontal and face clearly visible, without glasses, in color, measuring 32 x 26 mm or 39 x 31 mm.
6. Original and copy of the admission document of the institution belonging to the national educational system where he/she intends to study, specifying:
• Applicant's full name and nationality;
• Level, grade and area of study the applicant intends to pursue;
• Name of the course to which he/she has been admitted;
• Starting and ending date of the course;
• Cost of enrollment in the course;
• Identifying data of the educational institution;
7. Photocopy of official identification, with signature of the person signing the admission card.
8. Demonstrate financial solvency of parents by:
• Original and copy of documents showing that he/she has employment or pension with monthly tax-free income that is more than 1,682.74 euros, in the last 3 months (Employment
contract; Last three pay stubs; Bank statements with officers for the last 3 months); or
• Original and copy of the receipt of investment or bank accounts with an average monthly balance of 13,275.44 euros, within the last 3 months (The bank statement should contain the
following information: name of the bank; name of the account holder and IBAN code. In case you do not have the latest official bank statement, submit a copy of the list of bank movements made in the last three months, stamped by the bank);
9. Original and copy of the declaration of participation in the Interculture/Rotary Program;
10. Original and copy of the Interculture/Rotary Mexico Card;
11. Original and copy of the Host Family Invitation Card to Mexico;
12. Copy of identity documents of the family in Mexico;
13. Copy of the last degree earned or certificate of attendance.
NOTE: In the case of minors, or persons who are subject to legal guardianship under the terms of civil law, the application form must be signed by both parents and those exercising parental authority. In the event that the father or mother does not physically appear at the consular office to obtain the minor's visa, a notarized authorization from the other parent will need to be submitted, stating consent to obtain the Mexican visa.
If the visa has been denied by the Migration Law, it means that the decision is final, with respect to his or her application, on this occasion. However, this is NOT a permanent denial. You may reapply, whenever you are able to provide new information or if the general requirements have changed significantly.
NOTE: The visa does not guarantee entry into the country. Entry into Mexico subject to the approval of the migration authority at the place intended for international transit of persons.

If you have all the documents for the required paperwork, print out the requirements and access the MI CONSULADO portal to make an appointment, through the following link: MI CONSULADO