Marriage in Mexico


Foreigners wishing to get married in Mexico, must submit the following documents to the appropriate Mexican Registry Office, at least two days before the intended date of the ceremony.

  1. Passports.
  2. Valid Mexican entry document(e.g. tourist cards, visas, FM3, FM2).
  3. Birth certificates**.
  4. Minimum age of 18.
  5. Fill an application at the Registry Office.
  6. Present the appropriate certificate** if either party is divorced or widowed.
  7. Pre-nuptial medical certificate must be obtained in Mexico.
  8. Four witnesses with official identification.
  9. Payment of fees at Civil Registry Office.
  10. Complete the Pre-nuptial Agreement where, the parties must specify whether they wish to get married under the system of Joint Ownership Property (sociedad conyugal) or under a Non-joint Ownership Property (separación de bienes).

** All foreign documents listed above must be first translated into Spanish by a Registered Translator and then“apostilled” or legalised in their country of origin.


Irish documents to be “apostilled” have to be sent to:





Authentication Section

Ground Floor

Knockmaun House

42-47, Lower Mount Street

Dublin 2, D02 TN83

Tel: 01 408 2174

Opening hours

Monday - Friday (excluding bank holidays)

9:30am - 12:30pm and 2:30pm - 4:00pm

The postal address for applications will continue to be:

Authentications Section, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, 80 St Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2, D02 VY53

Postal Address

Authentication Section

Consular Division

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

80 St. Stephen's Green

Dublin 2

D02 VY53



Consular Services Section

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

1A South Mall


T12 TA46




RECOMMENDATION: After the marriage, while in Mexico, it is advisable to obtain certified copies of the marriage certificate and “apostilled” them in order to attest their validity in Ireland. Please enquire about this procedure at the Registry Office in Mexico