- Economic solvency -


Disclaimer: Being granted a Mexican visa does not guarantee your entry into Mexico.

(Click here for further information)


Please note the following:

  • Visa processing duration is between 2 and 10 working days.
  • Schedule an appointment and turn up personally at the Embassy (the visa cannot be issued neither by internet nor by post or through a third person).
  • Kindly apply at least six weeks before your intended departure date.
  • Verify whether you need a transit visa to contact the appropriate Embassy for a visa acquisition.
  • There is no personal invitations scheme for visas application
  • Once the visa is issued, the applicant must change it at the Mexican Immigration Institute in order to obtain the proper residence card.
  • The temporary condition is for a length between 180 days and 4 years.
  • This type of visa does not allow the applicant to engage paid activities.


General Requirements

  1. Present the original and photocopy of traveling passport with at least 6-month validity and enough blank pages.
  2. The Application form will be given to you to fill at the Embassy on the day you submit your documents.
  3. One passport size photograph (size 1.5 x 1.3/4 inches OR 32.0 millimeters x 26 millimeters and at most 39.0 millimeters x 31.0 millimeters), in color, no glasses, uncovered face and white background with a neutral facial expression.
  4. Original and copy of the document proving legal residence (visa and / or resident card), applicable to foreigners who are not nationals of the country where the visa application is to be submitted.
  5. Complete the required fee (the deposit slip will be given at the Embassy on the date of your appointment).
  6. Present the documents that support your case regarding one of the following options:



  1. Proof of investment or bank accounts with an average monthly balance equivalent to $32, 533 usd for the last three months, or
  2. Original and (1) photocopy of documents showing that the applicant has employment or a pension with an income with a net monthly income of, approximately $1,952 usd or its equivalent in your currency during the last six months.