Books available to the public

In 2023, the National Institute of Statistics and Geography of Mexico reported that only 68.5% of the population over 18 years old consumed materials by the Reading Module (MOLEC), which represents a decrease of 12.3 percentage points since 2016.

Reading frequency decreases with age: while eight out of ten young people between 18 and 34 read, only six out of ten people aged 65 years or older maintain this habit.

Readers prefer books, followed closely by internet content such as forums or blogs. However, among the younger population, aged 18 to 34, the latter is preferred over books.

The study highlighted a relationship between the lack of reading habits and the absence of stimuli during childhood, such as visiting libraries or the experience of being read to by parents or guardians.

Below are some resources where you can enjoy reading resources open to the public.