The 32 candidacies were in key areas, and included the following: 

The presidency of the First UN-Habitat Assembly. The Undersecretary for Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights, Martha Delgado, was elected for the 2019-2023 term. Ambassador Alicia Buenrostro was elected president of the 63rd General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Ambassador Socorro Flores Liera was elected vice president of the Human Rights Council in representation of GRULAC; and Ambassador Claude Heller was again appointed to the UN Committee Against Torture for the 2020-2023 term.
In addition, with Mexico's support, Ambassador Patricia Espinosa was appointed as Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) for a second term. 

This record number is indicative of the fact that the Government of Mexico is strengthening its adherence to the multilateral system, as well as its commitment to the most important global challenges, such as human rights, non-discrimination and gender equality.

Here is the complete list of Mexico's successful candidacies in 2019:

1.          Felipe García Landa: Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (ACABQ), 2017-2019 term.

2.         UN-Women Executive Board for the 2020-2022 term.

3.         Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND), 2020-2023 term.

4.        Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), 2020-2024 term.

5.         Irma Pineda Santiago, Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (FPCI), 2020-2022 term.

6.         Nadine Gasman Zylbermannn, Executive Committee of the Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM), 2020-2023 term.

7.         Undersecretary of Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights Martha Delgado was elected president of the first assembly of the United Nations Human Settlements Program (UN-Habitat) for the 2019-2023 term.

8.         Executive Board of the United Nations Human Settlements Program (UN-HABITAT), 2019-2023 term.

9.         Pablo Arrocha, Vice President of the Sixth Committee for the 74th United Nations General Assembly.

10.       Edgar Corzo Sosa, Committee on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families (CMW), 2020-2023 term.

11.        Council of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), 2019-2022 term.

12.       Benito Jiménez, FAO Finance Committee, 2019-2021 term. Elected during the 162nd Session of the FAO Council.

13.       UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) Executive Council, 2019-2021 term.

14.       Juan Sandoval Mendiolea, Vice President of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), 2019-2020.

15.       Erasmo Alonso Lara Cabrera filled the vacancy caused by the resignation of Alonso Francisco Martínez Ruiz from the Legal and Technical Commission of the International Seabed Authority.

16.       Alicia Buenrostro, President of 63rd IAEA General Conference. Elected at the start of the 63rd General Conference.

17.       Gibrán Ramírez Reyes, reelected as Secretary General of the Inter-American Conference on Social Security (CISS), 2020-2022 term.

18.       Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), 2019-2021, part II.

19.       Claude Heller Rouassant, Committee against Torture (CAT), 2020-2023 term.

20.      Executive Committee of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), 2019-2022 term.

21.       Programme and Budget Committee of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), 2020-2021 term. Elected at the 18th UNIDO General Conference.

22.       UNIDO Industrial Development Board, 2020-2021 term. Elected at the 18th UNIDO General Conference.

23.       Third Vice Presidency of the Board of Directors of the Latin American Center for Administration for Development (CLAD). Elected at the 49th CLAD Annual Meeting.

24.      Intergovernmental Committee on Bioethics (IGBC), 2019-2023 term. Elected at the 40th UNESCO General Conference.

25.       Intergovernmental Council (IGC) of the UNESCO International Hydrological Programme, 2019-2023. Elected at the 40th UNESCO General Conference.

26.      Aureny Aguirre O. Sunza, Vice President, 31st International Maritime Organization (IMO) Assembly.                   

27.       Administration and Budget Committee, International Exhibitions Bureau (BIE).

28.      Vice President for GRULAC, Intergovernmental Council (IGC) of the UNESCO International Hydrological Programme, 2019-2023.

29.      International Maritime Organization (IMO) Council, Category C, for 2018-2019. Elected at the 31st IMO Assembly in London.

30.      Carolina María Fernández Opazo, reelected to the Committee on Budget and Finance of the International Criminal Court (ICC), 2020-2023 term. Elected during the 18th Session of the Assembly of States Parties (AEP) of the Rome Statute in The Hague.                                

31.       Socorro Flores Liera, Vice President for GRULAC, Human Rights Council (HRC) for 2020.

32.       Margarita Caso Chávez, INECC General Coordinator for Adaptation to Climate Change, as head of the UN Adaptation Fund Board.

