LONDON, United Kingdom. 23rd April, 2015.- In order to increase their knowledge about Mexico and Spanish language as a subject they study in La Retraite Roman Catholic Girls´ School, a group of 10 teenagers, visited the Embassy.


The students of 17 and 18 years old, accompanied by their professor of Spanish Francisco Javier Orjales-Mourente, were received by Ambassador Diego Gomez-Pickering, who explained that they chose the Castilian as a subject of study, in which soon they will be evaluated through A-levels exams.


They also expressed interest in obtaining more information about the culture, economy, traditions and festivities of Mexico, and the potential of tourism and Mexican gastronomy tradition, recognised in 2010 as Intangible Cultural Heritage of humanity by UNESCO.


The diplomat shared with the group that Spanish is the second most spoken language worldwide and that Mexico is the country with more Spanish speakers. He stressed that there are over 30 million Spanish speakers in the United States and that this figure will continue to rise in the coming years.


The professor agreed with him about the importance of academic and cultural cooperation at the bilateral stage between Mexico and the United Kingdom, considered fundamental part of the celebration of their Dual Year.

