
  • 127,575,529 inhabitants
  • 2 million sq. km of surface
  • Most populous Spanish-speaking country in the world
  • Multicultural country: in the Mexican territory more than 60 languages are spoken among the different indigenous peoples of the country
  • GDP per capita of 20,000 USD (PPP)
  • 15th world economy
  • 3rd trading partner of the United States and main trading partner of the European Union in Latin America
  • Megadiverse country, both in terrestrial ecosystems and in aquatic and marine ecosystems
  • Rich in history, culture and natural resources and beauties
  • Tourist destination par excellence
  • Strategic geographical location: it has more than 3,000 kilometers of border with the United States and is an advantageous platform for links with Latin America and the Caribbean, the European Union and the Asia-Pacific region, with more than 10,000 kilometers of coastline in the Pacific Ocean, the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea