

The group art exhibition “UAE TO MEXICO” by Emirati and Mexican artists is the ninth art exhibition that the Embassy of Mexico hosts in its premises, but it is the first exhibition that integrates such a big number of participating artists (42 artists) exhibiting incredible art pieces, which have already sparked the imagination of so many people. This exhibition showcases 50 pieces, including oil paintings, acrylic works, fabric-based works and sculptures.



On the occasion of the 212th Anniversary of the Independence of Mexico, and the 47th Anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mexico and the UAE, the Embassy of Mexico in the UAE, in collaboration with the Emirates Fine Arts Society, cordially invite you to visit the group art exhibition “UAE TO MEXICO”, featuring artworks by 42 Emirati and Mexican artists.

  • Exhibition will run until 8th November 2022, at the Embassy of Mexico in Abu Dhabi.
  • Location in Google Maps: https://goo.gl/maps/k3EDvpp4iDwdNUd27
  • R.S.V.P. Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.

The participating artists from Mexico are:



La exposición colectiva de arte "UAE TO MEXICO" es una exhibición cultural sin fines de lucro. La venta de las obras se debe realizar en coordinación entre el artista y el comprador directamente.



The group art exhibition "UAE TO MEXICO" is a non-profit cultural exhibition. Selling the artwork must be carried out in coordination between the artist and the buyer directly.


تنبيه هام

المعرض الفني الجماعي "من الامارات الى المكسيك" هو معرض ثقافي غير هادف للربح. بيع الأعمال الفنية يتم بالتنسيق بين الفنان والمشتري مباشرةً.

Argelia Rojas

About Argelia Rojas

Gabriela Lucio de Esesarte

About Gabriela Lucio de Esesarte

Joe Barros Chaparro

About Joe Barros Chaparro

Leonardo Partida Prieto

About Leonardo Partida Prieto

Natalia Martínez Anaya

About Natalia Martínez Anaya

From UAE we count on the participation of:



La exposición colectiva de arte "UAE TO MEXICO" es una exhibición cultural sin fines de lucro. La venta de las obras se debe realizar en coordinación entre el artista y el comprador directamente.



The group art exhibition "UAE TO MEXICO" is a non-profit cultural exhibition. Selling the artwork must be carried out in coordination between the artist and the buyer directly.


تنبيه هام

المعرض الفني الجماعي "من الامارات الى المكسيك" هو معرض ثقافي غير هادف للربح. بيع الأعمال الفنية يتم بالتنسيق بين الفنان والمشتري مباشرةً.

Aalya Alattar

About Aalya Alattar

Abdulla Al Hajri

About Abdulla Al Hajri

Ahmed Al Awadhi (Rukni)

About Ahmed Al Awadhi (Rukni)

Ahmed Al Dosari

About Ahmed Al Dosari

Ali Bin Thani Alfalasi

About Ali Bin Thani Alfalasi

Amal Ben Lotah

About Amal Ben Lotah

Ashba Al Ghafli

About Ashba Al Ghafli

Azza Al Qubaisi

About Azza Al Qubaisi


Fahad Jaber

About Fahad Jaber

Kaltham Belselah

About Kaltham Belselah

Karima Al-Shomely

About Karima Al-Shomely

Khulood Al Jaberi

About Khulood Al Jaberi

Mohamed Youssef

About Mohamed Youssef

Mona Al Khaja

About Mona Al Khaja

Musab Abdul Qader Alrais

About Musab Abdul Qader Alrais

Obaid Suroor Almas

About Obaid Suroor Almas

Salama Al Mazrouei

About Salama Al Mazrouei

Salha Al Ghurair

About Salha Al Ghurair

Salma Al Marri

About Salma Al Marri

Sara Ali Al Blooshi

About Sara Ali Al Blooshi

Sawsan Khamis

About Sawsan Khamis



نسج الثقافات: من المكسيك إلى الإمارات

La Embajada de México en Abu Dhabi y el Pabellón de México en la Expo 2020 Dubái, en colaboración con el Departamento de Cultura y Turismo de Abu Dhabi, se complacen en invitarlos a visitar la exposición Entrelazando Culturas, de México a los Emiratos Árabes Unidos. Colecciones de Fomento Cultural Citibanamex, A.C. y House of Artisans (Weaving Cultures, from Mexico to the UAE: from the Collections of Fomento Cultural Citibanamex, A.C., and the House of Artisans).

Por primera vez en este país, estará expuesta al público una selección de las obras de los Grandes Maestros del Arte Popular Mexicano, con motivo del 50 Aniversario de Fomento Cultural Citibanamex, A.C., y el 25 Aniversario del Programa de Apoyo a los Grandes Maestros del Arte Popular. La muestra reúne varias obras de maestros artesanos de diversas regiones de la República Mexicana, que dialogan con piezas de artesanos emiratíes.
De la Colección de Arte Popular de Fomento Cultural Citibanamex, A.C., se presentan 77 piezas creadas por maestros y maestras artesanas de diversas regiones de México, en las ramas artesanales del barro, madera, textiles, fibras vegetales, metales y papel. Mientras que por parte de House of Artisans se incluyen piezas que promueven un diálogo con los diferentes núcleos de la exposición, desde ollas de barro con cientos de años de antigüedad hasta textiles tejidos que muestran los diferentes patrones y motivos utilizados en las artesanías emiratíes. Las piezas presentadas destacan que el arte popular de México y de los EAU son más similares que diferentes.
En la magnífica muestra, destacan piezas estelares del arte popular mexicano, como un colorido árbol de la vida de Metepec, Estado de México; piezas de barro vidriado de Santa Fe de la Laguna y San José de Gracia, Michoacán; madera laqueada de Olinalá, Guerrero; sarapes de Contla, Tlaxcala y Teotitlán del Valle, Oaxaca; un lienzo bordado de Tenango de Doria, Hidalgo; huipiles bordados y tejidos de distintas regiones de Oaxaca y Chiapas; piezas de barro bruñido de Tonalá, Jalisco; muestras de la mayólica de Puebla, Guanajuato y Tlaxcala; piezas tejidas con fibras vegetales de Baja California y Sonora; y la tradicional cartonería de Guanajuato; entre muchas otras.
La exposición permanecerá abierta al público a partir del viernes 11 de marzo, hasta el 23 de junio de 2022, en Qasr Al Hosn, Abu Dhabi. (Ubicación en Google Maps: https://maps.app.goo.gl/ZZ8Cv2RtdfWPMrMv5).

La entrada es gratuita, pero es necesario presentar el pase verde en la aplicación Al Hosn.

Horarios de la exposición:

Sábado a jueves de 10:00 a 21:00 hrs.
Viernes de 14:00 a 22:00 hrs.

Más información:

Weaving Cultures: from Mexico to the UAE

De México a los Emiratos Árabes Unidos


“Festival de Cine Iberoamericano”


En el marco de las actividades de promoción cultural que organiza la Embajada de México en los EAU, y en colaboración con el Grupo Televisa, la cadena Cinépolis Gulf Cinemas, y las Embajadas de Colombia, Cuba, Guatemala y España en los EAU, nos complace invitarles al “Festival de Cine Iberoamericano”, en donde se proyectarán cinco destacadas películas en español, del 24 al 28 de junio de 2022, a las 19:30 horas, en Cinépolis Cinemas de Oasis Mall en Sharjah (Localización en Google Maps: https://goo.gl/maps/wJc1uFEWiT3ybejE8).

La temática de esta edición es sobre la Igualdad de Género y el Empoderamiento de la Mujer, representados en películas sobre niñas, adolescentes y/o mujeres; y películas escritas o dirigidas por mujeres.

La ceremonia inaugural del citado Festival tendrá lugar el viernes 24 de junio, a las 19:30 hrs.

La entrada es gratuita, pero es necesario confirmar su asistencia -a la brevedad posible- al correo electrónico: Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo., ya que el cupo es limitado.

Se proyectarán películas de alta calidad artística, siendo auténticas obras maestras:

MEXICO Junio 24

MEXICO: Frida Still Life - Paul Leduc -


A Mexican film based on the life of Mexican painter Frida Kahlo.  Narrated in a poetic and rich in imagery, shows scenes from the life of this woman from her childhood to her death, through her relationship with her father Guillermo Kahlo, her husband Diego Rivera, the Russian exile  León Trotsky, the painter David Alfaro Siqueiros, the relationship with her sister Cristina, among other highlights of the most famous Latin American artist and listed in the world.

ESPAÑA Junio 25

ESPAÑA: Mataharis


Carmen, Inés and Eva are private detectives, but they don't wear a hat or a gun, they do shopping, change diapers and try to keep their partner. While they work investigating the secrets of others, the three will discover their own families’ lies and truths that it is better not to reveal.

Inés, Eva and Carmen, three women of different generations, work as private detectives for an investigation agency run by Valbuena, their male chauvinist boss. Inés, the youngest and most ambitious of the three is assigned to work undercover as an employee in a factory to spy on the activities of its union leaders. However, her investigation brings her face to face with a difficult emotional and ethical decision. Initially, she hoped to move through the ranks by working on this case, but her plans go awry when she begins to empathize with and develop feelings for Manuel, one of the key union members she is investigating. This ethical dilemma coupled with the fear of losing her job and career turns her life into a state of turmoil.

Eva has just returned to work at the detective agency after having had her second child. She is assigned to a rather mundane case of tracking down an old man's first love. Eva finds it very hard to juggle her responsibilities and is unable to find the support she needs in her husband, Iñaki. When a mysterious woman called Marta appears in Iñaki’s life, Eva starts an investigation into her spouse’s secret life, stumbling upon the possibility that her husband may not only be having an affair but leading a double life with another wife and family. She follows him from Madrid to Zaragoza where she quickly finds out that he has had a son born from a previous relationship and has now become involved in the life of the child he ignored for 10 years.

Carmen, the oldest and most experienced of the three detectives, is on a routine investigation of both the business partner and the wife of Sergio, a photographer whose wife is having an affair with his business partner and close friend. Carmen sympathizes with Sergio's marital collapse, not seeming to notice the dire straits of her own marriage.

CUBA Junio 26

CUBA: City in red


Year 1957, Santiago de Cuba. A young revolutionary shoots a known torturer of the Batista dictatorship in the middle of the street. From that fact, the plot intertwines the trajectory of characters in a city with no other option than rebellion and violence.


COLOMBIA: Jericho, infinite flight of days


The Infinite Flight of Days is a kaleidoscopic series of portraits of women living in the Colombian village of Jericó. This delicate and musical journey weaves together the everyday encounters and conversations of women of different ages and backgrounds, revealing their personal stories, inner lives, wisdom, and senses of humour. The documentary presents an intimate, feminine view of the region, celebrating and preserving the authenticity of the female spirit in Antioquian culture, a small slice of Colombia’s deliciously diverse intangible cultural heritage.


GUATEMALA: September, a silent cry


Based on real events. A mother traveled with her children, her youngest Teresa, only 3 months old, by bus from a province of the country to the center of Guatemala City. Arriving at the bus station, an explosion surprises them, killing several people and leaving Teresa injured. The father realized some time later that the minor had lost her sense of hearing when he realized that she did not react to sounds stimulation, so he decided to take her to the doctor and it was confirmed that she would not hear again. new. It tells the strong story of a girl who has to learn to live with this disability and try to lead a normal life. Moreover, the dramatic story of the father, who only seeks to help and protect his girl who is already entering to the period of adolescence.



En el marco de las actividades de promoción cultural que organiza la Embajada de México en los EAU, y en colaboración con la Higher Colleges of Technology (HCT)- Abu Dhabi, nos complace invitarle a la exposición “FUSION: A CELEBRATION OF EMIRATI AND MEXICAN WOMEN” integrada por obras de artistas emiratíes de la HCT.

  • La exposición permanecerá abierta al público hasta el 27 de mayo de 2023. Localización en Google Maps: https://goo.gl/maps/k3EDvpp4iDwdNUd27
  • La entrada es gratuita, se agradecerá confirmar su asistencia al correo electrónico: Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.