The relaunch of the High-Level Economic Dialogue (H-LED) between Mexico and the United States provides an important venue to continue dialogue on how we want to carry out strategic economic and commercial priorities.

Established in 2013 and relauched in 2021, the H-LED promotes strategic economic priorities and trade for both countries, with the common goal of promoting the development and economic growth, job creation, global competitiveness and the reduction of poverty and inequality. As our countries face new challenges, the H-LED will allow us to rebuild and grow as a true North American block.

Together we will rebuild our economies from the effects of the pandemic, we will promote inclusive trade and investment, we will prepare our force workforce for the future and strengthen regional supply chains. The H-LED will help our nations to address priority issues, and the agenda will be reinforced through regular contributions and interaction with actors from civil society and the productive sector.

To learn more about the H-LED please visit:

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Section of Economic Affairs